The ASEAN-FEN is a team of university-based consortia representing the fisheries and aquaculture oriented institutions within Southeast Asia, thereof termed as “member”. The ASEAN-FEN is established by agreement of its nine core members (identified below) for the purpose of supporting and enhancing fisheries and aquaculture through education, research, and public outreach. The ASEAN-FEN ma, and through the agreement of its core members invite other fisheries and/or aquaculture-based university/institution to be a member of this network, therwof, termed as “associate members”. The main objective of ASEAN-FEN is to support and faciliate the activities of educators, scientists, and responding to local, regional, national, and international issues on fisheries and aquaculture.
Support and enhance the fisheries and aquaculture sector through education, research and public outreach in the Southeast Asia region.
Support, lead, organize and participate in conferences and other opportunities to provide educational opportunities related to the ASEAN-FEN’s mission, for the members and general public.
Develop and promote research initiatives, and provide and coordinate infrastructure and personnel for research on fisheries and aquaculture for the ASEAN-FEN’s core and associate members.
Develop and promote student, academia and expert exchange programs and credit exchange programs for undergraduate and post-graduate studies among the ASEAN-FEN’s core and associate members.
Seek opportunities to collectively advocate to, and partner and collaborate with, local international organizations and authorities in opportunities that advance the mission of ASEAN-FEN.
Support and facilitate the programs of scientists, educators, and students at institutions represented by the core and associate members.
Collaborate with other global networks, universities and institutes to promote education, research and capacity building efforts in the ASEAN region to greater heights (ASEAN-FEN ++).